At DuneScape we grow to order
We have a base stock and will work with you to grow plants ecosourced from your region. Order ahead of time to ensure seed collection and plant numbers to match your restoration project needs. Planting times for dune plants is April to October in Northland. Seed collection time is December-January.
Kōwhangatara | Spinifex sericeus
Foredune/frontline, spreading sand binder. Stout perennial grass 30-50 cm tall with strong creeping runners. Silver foliage. Tumbleweed-like flower heads.
Available in 0.5 L size for revegetation
Pīngao | Ficinia spiralis
Foredune / frontline, spreading sand binder. A tussock-like perennial plant 30-90 cm tall with brilliant green and orange leaves. Important status among Māori weavers.
Available in 0.5L size for revegetation
Wīwī | Knobby clubrush | Ficinia nodosa
Mid dune species. A stout, tufted, sand-binding sedge 50-90 cm tall. Has coarse green to orange leaves. Thrives in wind swept areas on sand and clay.
Available in 0.5L size for revegetation
Pōhuehue - Muehlenbeckia complexa
Mid dune ground cover species (up to 1m) planted in hollows behind sand binders. Creates dense, hardy ground cover and provides excellent habitat for native lizards and invertebrates.
Available in 1L size for revegetation